OceanWise are hosting free workshop on the 26th November in London titled ‘Trust in data?’
Trustworthy, reliable, accurate and up-to-date data is critical to inform decision-making for operations, policy and business managers. But in a world where data volumes and availability are increasing exponentially day by day, what can we do to ensure the veracity and integrity of the data we use?
This year’s workshop will include talks on Open Data, Data crime protection, the blurred lines between GIS and BI, Data Quality, port emissions and data at depth!
For registration and event programme please click here.
OceanWise have been running their popular free annual workshops for the last five years with the aim to provide a forum for topical presentations and networking and often to kick start important discussions around marine data developments, technological advancements and GIS implementation. The workshops are fully funded by OceanWise who run them as a free service to anyone working in, or with an interest in, marine data and marine GIS.
Hear from industry experts, network, share your experiences and take part in the debates.
This event is free to attend but is limited to 80 delegates so please register now to avoid disappointment. Please note that student places will be limited and will be issued on a first come first serve basis.
For any queries please contact info@oceanwise.eu
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