Port-Log Connect Tide and Weather Data Sharing
A port is a multi-faceted business requiring fit for purpose data and information to be readily available when and where it is required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tide and weather data comprising observed, predicted and forecast water levels (tides), wave heights and periods, wind speed and direction, and visibility are all key parameters for many ports. They are required in real time to support maritime operations and historically to support planning, engineering and environmental studies. Whilst all ports have access to this data for critical tasks e.g. VTS, often the ability to make this data available more widely is problematic. OceanWise has developed the concept of a port – or when considered more widely – a maritime information infrastructure which enables tide and weather data, for example, to be shared more easily, ideally using open standards and systems, ideally underpinned by a framework for data governance.
OceanWise has been working with Associated British Ports (ABP), Peel Ports, and numerous VTS, PPU, weather forecast, dredging and even tunnelling software providers to develop a system, Port-Log Connect, which will integrate data from multi sources and make it readily available in critical and non-critical applications. Although the cooperation of these providers has been excellent, one challenge faced in doing this work is the lack of a data standard that can be employed consistently no matter how the data is being transmitted, whether it be via VHF (AIS), mobile networks or some other means. The result is a wide range of data formats from equipment vendors, data providers and governing bodies that need to be handled. Consequently, OceanWise is canvassing opinion on how a narrower range of standards might be established and how the maritime community can build on existing data specifications, so they can be adopted more widely.